Herbert W. Armstrong

Herbert W. Armstrong
Born July 31, 1892(1892-07-31)
Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.
Died January 16, 1986(1986-01-16) (aged 93)
Pasadena, California, U.S.
Cause of death Heart conditions, Anemia
Resting place Altadena, California
Residence Pasadena, Tucson
Education Attended North High School in Des Moines[1]
Occupation Evangelist
Known for Radio evangelism
founding the Worldwide Church of God
Title Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God (1946-1986)
Successor Joseph W. Tkach
Spouse Loma Dillon (m. 1917–1967) «start: (1917)–end+1: (1968)»"Marriage: Loma Dillon to Herbert W. Armstrong" Location: (linkback:http://localhost../../../../articles/h/e/r/Herbert_W._Armstrong_da6a.html)
Ramona Martin (1977-1984, divorced)
Children 4 with Loma (Beverly, Dorothy, Richard David, Garner Ted)
Parents Horace Elon Armstrong
Eva Wright Armstrong
Relatives Dwight L. Armstrong (1904-1984), brother

Herbert W. Armstrong (31 July 1892 - 16 January 1986) founded the Worldwide Church of God in the late 1930s, as well as Ambassador College (later Ambassador University) in 1946, and was an early pioneer of radio and tele-evangelism, originally taking to the airwaves in the 1930s from Eugene, Oregon. Armstrong preached an eclectic set of theological doctrines and teachings that he claimed came directly from the Bible.[2] These theological doctrines and teachings have been referred to as Armstrongism. His teachings included the interpretation of biblical prophecy in light of British Israelism,[3] and required observance of parts of the covenant Law including seventh-day Sabbath, dietary prohibitions, and the covenant law "Holy Days".

Armstrong proclaimed that world events during his lifespan loomed various Biblical prophecies, and that he was called by God as an 'Apostle' and end-time 'Elijah' to proclaim the Gospel of God's Kingdom to the World[4] before the return of Jesus Christ. He also founded the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation, which promoted the arts, humanities, and humanitarian projects.[5] Through his role with the foundation, Armstrong and his advisers met with heads of governments in various nations, for which he described himself as an "ambassador without portfolio for world peace."[6]


Early life

Herbert Armstrong was born in Des Moines, Iowa, on July 31, 1892, into a Quaker family. He regularly attended the services and the Sunday school of First Friends Church in Des Moines.[1] At age 18, on the advice of an uncle, he decided to take a job in the want-ad department of a Des Moines newspaper, the Daily Capital.[7] His early career in the print advertising industry which followed had a strong impact on his future ministry and would shape his communication style.[8]

On a trip back home in 1917, he met Loma Dillon, a school teacher and distant cousin from nearby Motor, Iowa.[9] They married on his 25th birthday, July 31, 1917, and returned to live in Chicago.[10] On May 9, 1918, they had their first child, Beverly Lucile, and on July 7, 1920, a second daughter, Dorothy Jane. In 1924, after several business setbacks, Armstrong and family moved to Eugene, Oregon where his parents lived at the time. While living in Oregon, they had two sons, Richard David (born October 13, 1928) and Garner Ted (born February 9, 1930). Armstrong continued in the advertising business despite the setbacks.[11]

Beginnings of ministry

During their stay in Oregon, his wife, Loma, became acquainted with a member of the Church of God (Seventh Day), Emma Runcorn. Emma and her husband O.J. were lay leaders in the Oregon conference of the Church of God, Seventh Day, a seventh-day-keeping Adventist group that rejected the authority of Ellen White and her teachings. Loma became persuaded that the Bible taught Sabbath observance on Saturday, the seventh day, one of the beliefs of that church.[11] Her assertion of this to her husband was met with dismay and appeared to him to be "religious fanaticism."[12] She challenged him to find biblical support for Sunday observance. As his business was struggling against larger competitors, Armstrong had the time to take up this challenge. He began what would become a life-long habit of intensive, lengthy Bible study sessions. He soon felt God was inspiring this, opening his mind to truths that historical Christian churches had not found or accepted. Shortly after, as related in his autobiography, Armstrong would take up a similar study on the topic of evolution of the species after a conflict with his sister-in-law.[13] His studies on the Sabbath and evolution convinced him that his wife was right, and that the theory of evolution was false.

He was eventually baptized, along with his brother Dwight L. Armstrong, in the summer of 1927 by Dr. Dean, the non-Sabbatarian pastor of Hinson Memorial Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon.[14] It is unknown, however, if he ever joined this denomination.[15] He would later recollect over four decades later that he believed, "On being baptized I knew God then and there gave me HIS HOLY SPIRIT!"[16] Despite his own unique teaching on baptism his own account is noteworthy for the absence of any mention of the process of laying on of hands or a special prayer in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, which were considered fundamental for membership in the Worldwide Church of God and reason for many a new converts rebaptism.[17]

In 1931 Armstrong become an ordained minister of the Oregon Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day).[14][18] The existence and history of this church became a significant factor in Armstrong's later beliefs.[19][20] He ultimately severed ties with them as the result of a doctrinal dispute when he began to teach a form of British Israelism, which would later make up his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy.[21] His ministerial credentials with the church were revoked in 1938.[14] This, Armstrong believed, indicated God was now directing him in leading a revived work into the next "church era."[20]

Radio and publishing

In October 1933, a small 100-watt radio station in Eugene, Oregon, KORE, offered free time to Armstrong for a morning devotional, a 15-minute time slot shared by other local ministers.[22] After positive responses from listeners, the station owner let Armstrong start a new program of his own. On the first Sunday in 1934, the Radio Church of God first aired.[23] These broadcasts eventually became known as The World Tomorrow of the future Worldwide Church of God.[24] Shortly thereafter, in February, 1934, Armstrong began the publication of The Plain Truth, which started out as a church bulletin.[23] The broadcast expanded to other cities, and in 1942 began to be broadcast nationwide from WHO of Des Moines Iowa, a 50,000-watt superstation.[24]

It was during this period that Armstrong began to reveal a tendency toward sensationalism and prophetic speculation that would be the source of controversy for supporters and critics alike from that point until his death. Critics point to statements in his early writings that proved to be inaccurate.[25] For example, a statement from a lead article in the February 1939 edition of The Plain Truth, about a coming world war, said this:

By way of brief review of previous articles, and radio messages, notice, first, that this war will involve ALL nations. It will be the first real world war. Secondly, it will center around Jerusalem....And thirdly, this war will END with the Second Coming of Christ![26]

From his new contacts in Los Angeles, Armstrong began to realize the potential for reaching a much larger audience. He searched for a suitable location and chose Pasadena, California, as being ideal as it was a conservative residential community. During this time, Armstrong also reflected on starting a college to aid the growing church, by teaching and training young men and women. Hence, in 1946 Armstrong moved his headquarters from Eugene to Pasadena and on March 3, 1946, the Radio Church of God was officially incorporated within the state of California.[24] It quickly acquired its own printing plant and was broadcasting internationally in prime-time radio time slots. On October 8, 1947, his new college, Ambassador College opened its doors with four students.[24]

International expansion

During the 1950s and 1960s, the church continued to expand and the radio program was broadcast in England, Australia, the Philippines, Latin America, and Africa. In 1953, The World Tomorrow began to air on Radio Luxembourg, making it possible to hear the program throughout much of Europe.[24] The beginning of the European broadcast provides the context of a booklet published in 1956 called 1975 in Prophecy! In this book Armstrong put forward a controversial vision of what the world could look like by 1975 - featuring illustrations of mass burials and tidal waves destroying cities.[27] Overall he thought that World War III and Christ's glorious return were at the doorstep and that world peace and utopia would follow. Armstrong believed that God had exciting plans for mankind that would see the end of such wars—though the message went far beyond an earthly utopia.[28]

Several books and booklets focused on the key events that would signal the imminence of Christ's return, and taught of a specific end-time prophecy to be fulfilled, manifested in the form of European peacekeeping forces surrounding Jerusalem, at which time God's Church would be taken to a place of protection, or "place of safety" — possibly Petra in Jordan.[14] World War III was predicted to be triggered by a "United States of Europe" led by Germany which would destroy both the United States of America and the United Kingdom.[29] From the place of safety they would continue the work and prepare to help Christ establish Utopia upon His return.

In 1952 Armstrong published Does God Heal Today? which provided the details on his doctrine on healing and his ban on doctors. Among his tenets were that only God heals and that medical science is of pagan origin and is ineffective. He believed that most illnesses were caused by faulty diet and that doctors should prescribe proper diet rather than medicine. He taught that members are not to go to doctors for healing but must trust in divine healing alone.[30] This was his teaching despite his father's death in 1933 after 'an all-night vigil of prayer.'[31] This teaching has been the cause of much controversy as individuals influenced by such teachings came to die.[32]

The book The United States and Britain in Prophecy was published in 1954. It became the most well known and requested church publication, with over six million copies distributed.[33] In this book, Armstrong makes the claim that the peoples of the United States, the British Commonwealth nations, and the nations of Northwestern Europe are descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.[34] This belief, called British Israelism, formed the central basis of the theology of the Worldwide Church of God.[35]

Franz Josef Strauss, a major politician in post WWII Germany, became the target of the broadcasting and publishing media blitz that Armstrong unleashed upon Europe through the daily offshore pirate radio station broadcasts by his son Garner Ted Armstrong, The Plain Truth and the Ambassador College campus at Bricket Wood in Hertfordshire, England. Strauss was portrayed as being the coming Führer who would lead a United States of Europe into a prophetic and victorious future World War III against the US and UK at some time between 1972 and 1975. In 1971, Strauss played along with the prophetic interest shown in him as Herbert W. Armstrong recalled in a 1983 letter: "I entertained him at dinner in my home in Pasadena, and he spoke to the faculty and students of Ambassador College. I have maintained contact with him."[36] Strauss also appeared in an interview on The World Tomorrow television program.

The volume of literature requests for material written by Armstrong continued to grow during the 1960s and 70s, and the literature was translated into several languages and distributed to a worldwide audience. They were distributed for free "as a public service." The Plain Truth magazine continued to be published and circulated, eventually reaching a monthly press run of eight million.

On April 15, 1967, Armstrong's wife, Loma, died; three and a half months before their 50th anniversary. Before she died he sent a co-worker letter that has often been criticized for its harsh tone to 'failing' members and calls for more money.[37]

Worldwide Church of God

On January 5, 1968, the Radio Church of God was renamed the Worldwide Church of God.[38] Shortly before, the church began to broadcast a television version of The World Tomorrow.[24] The program would eventually expand to 382 US television stations, and 36 television outlets internationally, dwarfing televangelists Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, and Jim Bakker.[39] By this time, Garner Ted Armstrong, the son of Herbert W. Armstrong, was the voice and face of the program. It was speculated that with his charisma and personality, he was the logical successor to Armstrong, but doctrinal disagreements and widespread reports of extramarital sex led to his suspension in 1972. Armstrong declared that Garner Ted was "in the bonds of Satan."[14][40] After initially changing his behavior he returned, but these issues resurfaced, coupled with his challenging his father's authority as Pastor General, resulting in him being permanently "disfellowshipped" (the church's term for excommunication) in 1978.[41]

Ambassador International Cultural Foundation

With the assistance of church accountant and adviser, Stanley Rader, Armstrong created the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation in 1975. The foundation was funded by the church.[14] The foundation's efforts reached into several continents, providing staffing and funds to fight illiteracy, create schools for the disabled, set up mobile schools, and provide funding and staffing for several archaeological digs of biblically significant sites.[42] These humanitarian projects led to Armstrong receiving a series of invitations to meet with prominent world heads of state. The list included (among others) Margaret Thatcher, Emperor Hirohito of Japan, King Hussein of Jordan, and Indira Gandhi.[42][43]


Armstrong was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Japanese government.[44]

Most significant contribution toward world peace. [King Albert I Watch] presented by His Majesty Leopold III of Belgium (1970). [45]

Presidential Merit Medal [presented by President Marcos in the Manila Presidential Palace in 1983]. [46]

Commander of Our Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand. [47]

Final years

In 1977 Armstrong, then in his 80s, married Ramona Martin, then 38, a long-time member and church secretary who had a 15-year old son from a previous marriage.[48] The controversial marriage would last for only a few years. The Armstrongs separated in 1982 with Herbert Armstrong returning to live in Pasadena full-time, and the marriage finally ended in divorce in 1984.[49] During pre-trial proceedings in the divorce case, Armstrong's lawyers had sought to limit evidence of a sexual nature but his wife's attorneys said "it was crucial since the church leader alleged Mrs. Armstrong had breached an agreement of love and fidelity." Louis Deckler, Mrs. Armstrong's lawyer, said the testimony would explain an "understanding" the couple reached about Armstrong's "prior incestuous conduct with his daughter for many years." [50]

In his latter years, Armstrong stated that he did not know whether or not Christ would return in his lifetime but did know, based on the sequence of events in the Bible, that the Lord's return was approaching. He had long written of his belief that the primary sign to look for would be some sort of dissolving of the Eastern Bloc alliance under Soviet control, followed by those nations' subsequent incorporation into an eastern leg of a United States of Europe.[27] In August 1985, Armstrong's final work, Mystery of the Ages, was published. He wrote that "time may prove this to be the most important book written in almost 1,900 years" [51]- and called it a "synopsis of the Bible in the most plain and understandable language." It was more or less a compendium of theological concepts, as articulated by Armstrong, which included the notion that God deliberately coded the bible "so that it would not be understood until our modern time" [52]-.

In September 1985, with his failing health widely known, Armstrong delivered his final sermon on the Feast of Trumpets in the Ambassador Auditorium. He spent his final days confined at his home on the college campus in Pasadena, California, on South Orange Grove Boulevard.

Almost until his final days, there was uncertainty about who would succeed Armstrong in the event of his death. The church's Advisory Council of Elders, acting on a clause in church by-laws added in 1981, was to select a successor after his death,[53] yet Armstrong reportedly worried about the ramifications if certain individuals, such as his son Garner Ted or evangelist Roderick Meredith were selected.[54][55] Finally, Armstrong opted to select the next Pastor General personally.[54] Armstrong told the Church's Advisory Council of Elders of his decision to appoint evangelist-rank minister Joseph W. Tkach on January 7, 1986.[56] Tkach had worked closely with former church executive Stanley R. Rader prior to Rader's retirement from active service with the Church, and had been ordained to the ministerial rank of evangelist along with Rader and Ellis LaRavia in 1979.

Only nine days after naming Tkach as his successor, Armstrong died shortly before 6:00 a.m. on January 16, 1986, at the age of 93.[57] Approximately 4,000 people attended his funeral, including a number of World political figures. He was buried in Altadena's Mountain View Cemetery between Loma and his mother, Eva Wright Armstrong. Long-time church member and one of the first graduates of Ambassador College, Evangelist Herman L. Hoeh officiated at the graveside service and Tkach gave the closing prayer.

Theology and teachings

Criticisms and controversy

Herbert Armstrong’s teachings and the church he created have been the subject of much criticism and controversy.[78] Armstrong's theology and teachings are defended by his followers,[79] but face criticism from ex-followers[80][81] and the greater Christian community.[82] Common points of criticism and controversy include:


Personality, personal conduct, and governance

Herbert Armstrong’s manner of leadership and the effect this had on church culture in the Worldwide Church of God was the subject of much controversy. Ex-members state that Armstrong and the WCG created a destructive environment which include accusations of spiritual abuse and child abuse.[81][105][106][107] Armstrong was often criticized for having lived in extravagant wealth as a comparison to church members who paid three tithes and lived in relative poverty as a result. Personal luxuries enjoyed by Armstrong included a personal jet, the finest clothing, furniture and other conveniences.[108][109][110]

Teachings inferred from the Bible

Armstrong taught the observance of principles that he believed could be inferred from biblical intent.[111] Examples of these teachings include:


See also


  1. ^ a b Armstrong (1967), Ch 1
  2. ^ Tkach, Joseph. "Transformed by Truth". pp. Chapter 7: What we Believed.. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans7.htm. Retrieved 2009-02-16. 
  3. ^ Armstrong, Herbert W.. The United States and Britain in Prophecy. http://www.cgca.net/pabco/us_bri1.htm. 
  4. ^ Tkach, Joseph. "Transformed by Truth". pp. Chapter 12: Section: "Problematic Areas".. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/tran12.htm. Retrieved 2009-01-23. 
  5. ^ Rader (1980), p. 21
  6. ^ Armstrong, Herbert W. (August 29, 1974). "Letter". http://ultimatechurcharchive.org/coworker%20letters/740829.TXT. Retrieved 2008-08-13. 
  7. ^ Armstrong (1967), Ch 2, Heading "Learning Important Lessons"
  8. ^ Armstrong (1967), Ch 3, Heading "Learning Effective Ad-Writing"
  9. ^ Armstrong (1967), Ch 9, Heading "I Meet Two Pretty Girls"
  10. ^ Armstrong (1967), Ch 10, Heading "The Wedding Day"
  11. ^ a b Armstrong (1967), Ch 15
  12. ^ Armstrong (1967), Ch 15, heading "Religious Controversy Enters"
  13. ^ Armstrong (1967), Ch 16.
  14. ^ a b c d e f Tkach (1997), chapter 12
  15. ^ Bruce Renehan, Daughter of Babylon, ch.15, (Interview with John Kiesz)
  16. ^ "The Good News", August 1969, page 4
  17. ^ Pamela Starr Dewey, "Baptism and Ordination of Herbert W Armstrong"
  18. ^ Armstrong (1967), Ch 24, Heading "ORDAINED Christ’s Minister"
  19. ^ Hoeh, Herman L. (1959). A True History of the True Church. section titled "The Gospel Goes to All the World". 
  20. ^ a b Armstrong, Mystery of the Ages, Ch 6: Mystery of the Church.
  21. ^ Nickels (1996) Appendix A -- Technical Notes
  22. ^ Nickels (1996)
  23. ^ a b Boston (2002), Appendix, pg 237
  24. ^ a b c d e f Boston (2002) pg 238
  25. ^ 'A Treasury of Famous Prophecies,' Ambassador Review #1, June 1976.
  26. ^ Armstrong, Herbert W (February 1939). "Where and How the World War Will Start" (PDF). The Plain Truth IV (2): 1–9. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Plain%20Truth%201930s/Plain%20Truth%201939%20(Vol%20IV%20No%2002)%20Feb.pdf. Retrieved 2007-08-21. 
  27. ^ a b Armstrong, Herbert, W (1956) (PDF). 1975 in Prophecy. pp. 10–28. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Books%20&%20Booklets/1975%20in%20Prophecy%20(1956).pdf. 
  28. ^ Armstrong, Herbert W.. The Incredible Human Potential. pp. 29, 24–29, Headings "Incredible Human Potential Revealed", "Outer Space-Planets Now Dead". 
  29. ^ Armstrong, Herbert, W (1956 /1975%20in%20Prophecy%20(1956).pdf) (PDF). 1975 in Prophecy. Pasadena, CA: Radio Church of God. pp. 4–10. 
  30. ^ Armstrong, Herbert, W (1952). Does God Heal Today?. Pasadena, CA: Radio Church of God. 
  31. ^ Armstrong, (1967),Ch. 28.
  32. ^ John Trechak, 'Modern Moloch-Human Sacrifice in the Armstrong Church', Ambassador Report, 1977.
  33. ^ Flurry (2006), pg. 3
  34. ^ Armstrong, Herbert W. (1976). Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath?. Pasadena, CA: The Worldwide Church of God. pp. 44. 
  35. ^ Tkach (1997), chapter 9.
  36. ^ http://www.aci.net/Kalliste/Pasadena_memories.htm
  37. ^ Mr. Armstrong, co-worker letter, March 2, 1967
  38. ^ 1968 Certificate Of Amendment Of Articles Of Incorporation Of Radio Church Of God
  39. ^ Flurry (2006), pg 2
  40. ^ Chandler, Russell (January 17, 1986). "Armstrong, 93, Founder of the Worldwide Church, Dies". Home edition (Los Angeles Times): pp. Section 1, Page 3. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/58466467.html?FMT=ABS&type=current. Retrieved 2008-08-13. 
  41. ^ Nickels (1996), Heading "About the Author" Heading "About the Author"
  42. ^ a b Flurry (2006), pg. 25
  43. ^ Rader (1980), inset photographs after pg 128
  44. ^ L'Harmattan web site( in French)
  45. ^ [AMBASSADOR FOUNDATION Presents Herbert W. Armstrong - Ambassador for World Peace pg. 4 (1983)
  46. ^ [AMBASSADOR FOUNDATION Presents Herbert W. Armstrong - Ambassador for World Peace pg. 20 (1983)
  47. ^ [AMBASSADOR FOUNDATION Presents Herbert W. Armstrong - Ambassador for World Peace pgs. 30 and 31 (1983)
  48. ^ "Bride in Work 15 years" (PDF). The Worldwide News V (9): 1. 25 April 1977. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Worldwide%20News/WWN%201977%20(Prelim%20No%2009)%20Apr%2025.pdf. Retrieved 2007-08-21. 
  49. ^ John Trechak, Ambassador Report #20,#21,#24,#25,#26,#27,#28
  50. ^ Lakeland Ledger, May 12, 1984
  51. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "Mystery of the Ages", 1985, p. xii
  52. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "Mystery of the Ages", 1985. p. 6
  53. ^ Flurry (2006), pg 34
  54. ^ a b Flurry (2006), pg 35
  55. ^ Tkach(1997), Chapter 6
  56. ^ Flurry (2006), pg. 36
  57. ^ Flurry (2006), pg. 16
  58. ^ Armstrong, Herbert W. Which Day Is The Christian Sabbath?, Chapter 2
  59. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "Which Day Is The Christian Sabbath?", Chapter 8
  60. ^ Herbert W. Armstrong, Where Is The True Church? 1984, p.24
  61. ^ Plain Truth magazine, February 1985
  62. ^ Herbert Armstrong, The United States And British Commonwealth In Prophecy (1972), p.217
  63. ^ Herbert Armstrong, Plain Truth magazine, June 1967, p. 2
  64. ^ Bob Larson, Larson's New Book of Cults, p. 470
  65. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "Just What Do You Mean Born Again?" circa 1972
  66. ^ Herbert Armstrong, Mystery of the Ages, p. 344-345
  67. ^ a b Armstrong, Herbert. "Mystery of the Ages". Chapter 7 "Mystery of the Kingdom of God"
  68. ^ Herbert Armstrong, Mystery of the Ages, p.352
  69. ^ p. 354
  70. ^ Herbert Armstrong, The Plain Truth About Healing, p.33
  71. ^ Herbert W. Armstrong, Pagan Holidays - Or God's Holy Days - Which, p.26
  72. ^ Chambers, p.32
  73. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "Good News magazine, August 1979. "Personal" p. 27
  74. ^ Bruce Renehan, Daughter of Babylon, Ch 13
  75. ^ Gerald Flurry, Malachi's Message, p. 6, 1999
  76. ^ Chambers, p.20
  77. ^ Herbert W Armstrong Misc. Articles and Co-Worker Letters 1934-1986
  78. ^ "The Painful Truth: Books Written about Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God:". http://www.hwarmstrong.com/exit.htm. Retrieved 2009-01-17. 
  79. ^ Flurry, Stephen. "Raising the Ruins; The fight to revive the legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong". http://www.raisingtheruins.com/index.php. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  80. ^ "The Painful Truth: A collection of Facts, Opinions and Comments from survivors of Herbert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, The Worldwide Church of God and its Daughters". http://www.hwarmstrong.com/. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  81. ^ a b "Exit and Support Network: Aiding those spiritually abused by Worldwide Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God and all affiliated high demand offshoots". http://www.exitsupportnetwork.com/. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  82. ^ a b Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults. Bethany House Publishers. http://www.wcg.org/WN/98/98Apr/cult.htm. 
  83. ^ Armstrong, Herbert (1961). What do you mean... Salvation?. Pasadena, California: Ambassador College Press. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Books%20&%20Booklets/What%20Do%20You%20Mean%20-%20Salvation%20(Prelim%201973).pdf. 
  84. ^ Armstrong, Herbert (1948). All About Water Baptism (1972 ed.). Pasadena, California: Ambassador College Press. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Books%20&%20Booklets/All%20About%20Water%20Baptism%20(Prelim%201972).pdf. 
  85. ^ Arnn, Phillip. "Galatia Revisited: Salvation under the Government and the Law". http://www.watchman.org/cults/galatian.htm. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  86. ^ The New Covenant: Does it Abolish God's Law. United Church of God. 2007. pp. 94, 112, 118, 138, 142, 144, 148. http://www.gnmagazine.org/booklets/NC/NC.pdf. 
  87. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "The Plain Truth about the Covenants". The Good News (December 18, 1978): 1, 8.. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Good%20News%201970s/Good%20News%201978%20(Prelim%20No%2025)%20Dec%2018.pdf. 
  88. ^ Tkach, Joseph. "7: What we Believed: How should we handle the Old Covenant?". Transformed by Truth. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans7.htm. 
  89. ^ Armstrong, Herbert (1955). What is the True Gospel (1972 ed.). Pasadena, California: Ambassador College. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Books%20&%20Booklets/What%20is%20the%20True%20Gospel%20(Prelim%201972).pdf. 
  90. ^ "The Gospel of the Kingdom". http://www.gnmagazine.org/booklets/GK/GK.pdf. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  91. ^ Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults. Bethany House Publishers. http://www.amazon.com/dp/0764228218/bethanyhousep-20. 
  92. ^ "The Philadelphia Trumpet: He Was Right". http://thetrumpet.com/pdf/PTSample.pdf. Retrieved 2009-01-17. 
  93. ^ Armstrong, Herbert W. "Autobiography of Herbert Armstrong." Chapter 1
  94. ^ "The Painful Truth: Ambassador Report: A Treasury of Famous Prophecies". http://www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/Prophecies.html. Retrieved 2009-01-17. 
  95. ^ [1] Shen, P. et al.: "Reconstruction of Patrilineages and Matrilineages of Samaritans and Other Israeli Populations From Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation"
  96. ^ [2] Nebel, A. et al.: "The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East"
  97. ^ [3] Hammer, M. et al.: "Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes."
  98. ^ Wade, Nicholas (May 9 2000). "Y Chromosome Bears Witness to Story of the Jewish Diaspora". New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D02E0D71338F93AA35756C0A9669C8B63. Retrieved 2010-05-04. 
  99. ^ Parfitt, Tudor (2003). The Lost Tribes of Israel: The History of a Myth. Phoenix. pp. 61. 
  100. ^ Orr, Ralph. "The United States and Britain in Prophecy: An Analysis of the Biblical Evidence". http://www.wcg.org/lit/prophecy/anglo/usbrit1.htm. Retrieved 2009-02-03. 
  101. ^ (Greer, 2004. p57-60)Greer, Nick (2004). The British-Israel Myth. pp. 55. 
  102. ^ Parfitt, Tudor (2003). The Lost Tribes of Israel: The History of a Myth. Phoenix. pp. 62. 
  103. ^ Lounsbury, T (1906). History of the English Language. pp. 1, 12–13. 
  104. ^ Greer, Nick (2004). The British-Israel Myth. pp. 74, 83–84. 
  105. ^ "I survived Armstrongism: Reminisces and Ruminations on Armstrong and WCG". http://armstrongsurvivor.com/. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  106. ^ "The Painful Truth: A collection of Facts, Opinions and Comments from Survivors of Hebert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, The Worldwide Church of God and its Daughters". http://www.hwarmstrong.com/index.htm. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  107. ^ "Living Armstrongism: Resources on HWA's Incest". http://livingarmstrongism.blogspot.com/2009/02/incest.html. Retrieved 2009-02-07. 
  108. ^ Hopkins, Joseph. The Armstrong Empire: A Look at the Worldwide Church of God Empire. pp. 183. 
  109. ^ McNair, Marion. "1 & 4". Armstrongism: Religion or Rip-Off? : An Expose of the Armstrong Modus Operandi.. 
  110. ^ "Stanley Rader with Mike Wallace". http://www.hwarmstrong.com/stanley-rader-interview.htm. Retrieved 2009-02-07. 
  111. ^ a b Armstrong, Herbert (November 16, 1981). "How subtly Satan used MAKEUP to start the Church off the track". The Worldwide News: 1, 4–5. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans8.htm. 
  112. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "The Plain Truth About Healing". http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Books%20&%20Booklets/Plain%20Truth%20About%20Healing%20(Prelim%201979).pdf. Retrieved 2009-01-17. 
  113. ^ Armstrong, Herbert (1952). Does God Heal Today?. Pasadena, California: Radio Church of God. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans8.htm. 
  114. ^ Tkach, Joseph. "8". Transformed by Truth. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans8.htm. 
  115. ^ a b Armstrong, Herbert. "Divorce and Remarriage". pp. 8–9. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Books%20&%20Booklets/Divorce%20and%20Remarriage%20(1953).pdf. Retrieved 2009-01-17. 
  116. ^ Armstrong, Herbert (1985). Mystery of the Ages. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. pp. 149, 151, 173. 
  117. ^ Tkach, Joseph. "7: What we Believed: A stroll through past headlines". Transformed by Truth. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans7.htm. 
  118. ^ Armstrong, Herbert. "HOW YOU DRESS FOR CHURCH -- Could it keep you out of the KINGDOM?". The Worldwide News (Pasadena, California: Worldwide Church of God) (May 21st, 1979): 1.. http://www.herbert-w-armstrong.org/Worldwide%20News/WWN%201979%20(Prelim%20No%2010)%20May%2021.pdf. 
  119. ^ Leap, Dennis. "Is Smoking Sin?". http://www.thetrumpet.com/index.php?q=4314.3672.0.0. Retrieved 2009-01-18. 
  120. ^ Tkach, Joseph. "7: What we Believed: What is the Church?". Transformed by Truth. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans7.htm. 
  121. ^ Tkach, Joseph. "7: What we Believed: What does the future hold?". Transformed by Truth. http://www.wcg.org/lit/booklets/truth/trans7.htm. 


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Preceded by
Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God
Succeeded by
Joseph W. Tkach